
Sunday, March 01, 2009

I didn't come to take sides, I came to take over!

I didn't come to take sides, I came to take over. I sound like an angry woman right?

No, I am not angry. I am fully aware of who I am and whose I am. I am also aware of my heritage and the journey I have been on. I celebrate myself and every African out there making it happen. I celebrate our journey, our struggles, our achievements and our future and I celebrate our men and women. I weep for the heinous crimes committed against us but my tears for the crimes we have committed against each other is much more that those perpetrated against us.

Living in the Diaspora gives you great opportunities and you must seize them as they come. Living in the Diaspora opens your eyes to a great deal of injustice but that must never stop you from becoming what you want to be. You have to keep going and encourage yourself. To be honest, living in the Diaspora is a great gift because you really get to see the world, people and have a rich mixture of experiences.

It would be so much easier to give up and say I tried. But it is more rewarding to keep going no matter how hard it gets and make your voice heard. Someone needs to hear you loud and clear and then they will know that you are serious about business. There is a saying in Nigeria, “Who no know go know.”

I have been fortunate to work in highly prestigious news environment lately. As an African I have worked on building my knowledge and understanding of the motherland while in this organisation. It has been a steep learning curve and I have learnt some lessons the hard way but who hasn’t?

I have learnt to speak up and be heard. I should never have to bow my head and I must put my stamp on my work. You have to define who you are in a large room full of people or someone will be very happy to that for you.

But what has really got my taste buds going is the very lesson that just because you are desperate does not mean you must settle for less than you know you re worth. You must say to yourself, I didn’t come to take sides…I came to take over.

That is the mental strength you need if you are going to get to that place you envisioned years ago. It does not mater what others around you are doing. What maters is that you know where you are going and you stay on your life’s course.

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