
Wednesday, December 05, 2007

How far Is Too far?

No news is good news but there comes a time when one has to question the sanity of the society we live in. I picked up the newspaper this morning and the first thing that caught my attention was the fact that our government is making proposals for abortions to be carried out by GPs.

I admit, I felt sick and angry. Angry because our babies are having babies and now we want to make it easier for them to go out, get laid and get rid of it. Don't get me wrong, there are those who say they do it for legitimate reasons and I am not here to question right or worng. That's not to say I sanction abortion. I am dead against it. However, there are cases where individuals felt they had no choice. I am not heartless to the extent where I won't understand when a woman who has been raped by a stranger says she can't stand to keep a baby conceived in the most terrifying hours of her life. It certainly isn't my place to judge.

But there comes a time when we have to draw the line somewhere. It was okay when it was legalised, we thought it would end there. Just how far are we going to go before we realise we are making laws and allowing things that are not helpful but rather harmful. Making it so easy means there are lives at risk, what happens when things go wrong? There are doctors accordinbg to the news stories in the papers today, who are concerned about this.

Is this what we elected this government for? To take us from bad to worse. Forgive me once again because I'm from the old school of life and I will not apologise for it. We make it easy for our children to get guns and knives, and what did we end up with, a spree of knife and gun crimes. When we decided certain drugs were no longer Class A drugs, we made more junkies out of our citizens.

These laws are introduced to make things better but I for one, am yet to see any changes. Is it me or is there anyone else out there, who thinks its time to get back to the basics of what makes us a society? Doing what is right, so our future generations can emulate the trend. Right now we are perpetuating a generational genocide in the name of a free society but are we really free or have we become slaves to the liberation we claim to have?

It isn't until people kill each other for the sake of superiority over each other that we have a genocide in our hands. It starts with the daily decisions we are making as a nation that is gradually leading us down the path of what will claim lives if care is not taken.

There are different stages of abrotion and when a doctor is allowed to carry out one but when its now okay to walk into your local GP surgery and get one, then something has definitely gone wrong somewhere. It is even worse when you realise that the highest rate of abortion carried out in 2005 was among 19 year olds. That ought to make the heart of any mother bleed because they most likely had no say in the decision making process. Yes, a 19 year old is an adult but your baby will always be your baby and no matter how much you let go, you still want to protect them. Does a 19yr old woman fully understand the impact of her actions, the possibility of the guilt and shame and not to mention, the emptiness and loneliness she will feel afterwards?

This madness has got to stop. A free society is great but when that same free society becomes a slave of freedom, then we have a major problem.

Image: Google Images

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